Dr. Kimberly C. Ellis

Dr. Kimberly C. Ellis

Design, Marketing & Community Outreach
Director of Community, Arts, and Culture

Dr. Kimberly C. Ellis is the Director of Community, Arts, and Culture for Buccini Pollin Group’s Pittsburgh office focused on engaging the community and empowering Lower Hill District residents, homeowners, artists, and entrepreneurs throughout the redevelopment of the 28-acre site.

Kimberly is a Scholar of American and Africana Studies and serves as the Historian and Storyteller of the Lower Hill District to frame the entirety of the Lower Hill redevelopment. She applies her doctorate and her experience growing up in the Historic Hill District to her work on all activities surrounding community engagement, arts, cultural heritage, leasing and marketing of the redevelopment.

Kimberly leads the First Source Center’s workforce development, business resource, and construction training recruitment program; and garnered an “Industry Award” for her work on the Pittsburgh Public Schools’ Career and Technical Education Program (PPS-CTE) in her first year. She directs and manages the artist engagement for the complementary landscape design of the district’s open space through her work co-designing the Frankie Pace Park. Her responsibilities also include marketing and leasing of the redevelopment.

Kimberly invites all interested parties to make history on this project and share in the new story for the Historic Hill District, the City of Pittsburgh, and the Nation.