By Ryan Cormier, Delaware News Journal
If you’ve walked past 902 N. Market St. recently and saw a red-haired character named Wilma, downtown Wilmington might have felt a little like Bedrock.
A temporary sign for Wilma’s, a new recreation hall with duckpin bowling and a small arcade, now hangs at the entrance of the former Ernest & Scott Taproom announcing it will be coming soon.
The name is a play on the city’s name and not “The Flintstones” – sorry, Bronto burgers are not on the menu – and will inject a new kind of entertainment destination directly into the heart of the city’s downtown.
When first announced in January 2020, the recreation hall had an opening date of the fall of 2020. The pandemic struck and the project was stalled.
The 5,700-square-foot space is now slated to open this fall.
“We decided to hold back the project during the pandemic while more was learned about the virus and what the social landscape would look like,” said Sarah Lamb, vice president of design and marketing for The Buccini/Pollin Group….